Be sure you have created any necessary criteria before you begin the import process. Columns in your CSV will be mappable to existing criteria or criteria groups at time of import only.
UTF-8 is the suggested encoding (default for excel save as .csv functionality)
The minimum amount of data for a CSV import is two rows (a single header row and 1 or more data rows) and one column: the URL.
URLs must begin with http to be recognized by XAP and added to the inventory.
Beyond the URL you can map columns to any existing criteria group within XAP if the columns are properly formatted.
Text-based groups (Raw Input, Number, Dates, Ratings, Tags, etc.) will be mapped to a specific criteria. This differs from Multi-choice groups (Select One, Select Many) that will be mapped to the group level.
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Select groups are mapped to a group as opposed to a criteria. Groups can be empty and will be populated with the discovered data.
Because one cell can hold multiple values for a Multi-Select group the values will need to be separated by a | 'pipe' character "shift+\".
Phase 1|Phase 2|Phase 6|Phase 1,000
Note: Commas are an accepted character in multi-select values
Single & Multi-select data will create new criteria in the mapped group if they do not exist. Be sure that any existing criteria is spelled the same as the data being imported to not create duplicate criteria.
Similar to multi-select groups, values must be separated by a delimiter. Because the standard output for many tools for tags is a ',' comma (and tags in XAP cannot contain commas) the default delimiter for tags is the comma character.
one, two, three
Note: Spaces before or after a comma will be trimmed by XAP at the time of import.
You can make bulk edits to existing content in XAP via a CSV upload. In order to make these updates each row will require the XAP ID of the content in order to be modified. The best way to accomplish this is to export the inventory to CSV, make the appropriate updates, and use the same file to upload your changes.
The only difference to uploading new content is the requirement to map the XAP ID column to the ID field on the import screen and the URL column to the location field.
If you do not map the XAP ID column you will duplicate all your content in XAP
Only mapped columns will be updated and the ID AND URL field will need to match for the update to be made (do not modify the URL during this process). Any columns not mapped will remain as-is in XAP.
This is a potentially destructive process so proceed with caution.