Create and manage sets of criteria for assessment and analysis.
Criteria groups can be created from the 'All Groups' link in the criteria tab.
Supply a group name and format to create the group.
You will need to add at least one criteria to the group before it will function in the audit
Be careful with this!
Changing a group type should only be done before any assessment has been done. Responses to some group formats do not transfer to others (E.g. Number groups can become text groups, but not the other direction).
Descriptions accept Markdown formated text. They are viewable in the Criteria Doc page, the assessment form by clicking 'Group Details' and the manage criteteria page.
Add details to your group to help the auditors select criteria as consistently as possible.
Criteria can be restricted to only show for relevant audit sources. This is helpful if you have, for example, criteria only relevant to certain content types or channels.
Think of this like nested groups. If a predicate group / criteria is selected the group will only appear for assessment if the predicate criteria is met. You can select 'any criteria' from the group, or a specific criteria.
This recursion can go as deep as you'd like, but be careful not to set groups as predicated of each other.
Do not set groups as predicates of each other. They will never appear.
Group will show during the assessment for reference, but not be user-editable during the course of assessment. Useful for metrics or other imported data already validated as true.
Groups will not be presented to the user during the assessment but will still be available for analysis
You can add criteria to your group from the group details page. Criteria can be re-ordered by dragging the bars icon.
At least one criteria will need to be present for the group to appear in the assessment.
Criteria can also be added during a CSV Import. Multi-select and Single select groups will auto populate based ont he file contents.
Once added you can click the criteria name to edit details about the criteria: